Legal Notice
“LEP LAW” is the trading name used by its affiliates to provide legal assistance to clients worldwide.
The professional responsibility for the provision of legal services to clients is set out fully in the terms of
service agreed between LEP LAW affiliates and their respective clients. Each LEP LAW affiliate is a separate
legal entity individually regulated by its own local professional regulatory authorities.
LEP LAW affiliates are listed below:
- London - LP Law Ltd (Company number 6848435 - SRA number 510081) Administrative, Accounts and Registered
Address 37-38 Long Acre, London W2CE, regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA ID: 510081).
Director Laura Elisa Protti
(Italian Avvocato and English Solicitor); Legal Advisor Claudia Sorrentino (Italian Avvocato).
- Milan - Avv. Laura Elisa Protti and Avv. Ettore Cipollone, Venezia 35, 20121 Milano, Italy, regulated
by the Ordine Avvocati di Milano.
- Florence - Avv. Pietro Pennisi, with office in Via Bonifacio Lupi, 29, 50129 Florence, Italy, regulated by
the Ordine Avvocati di Firenze.
- Lugano - Administrative and Representative Office, Corso Elvezia 7, 6979 Lugano (contact Avv. Claudia